Common themes in accounting firms in 2022

Common themes in accounting firms in 2022

As an accounting firm coach, mentor and consultant I get to see inside lots of accounting firms and talk to many accounting firm owners and managers. In no particular order, here are some of the common themes I saw in 2022: Challenges with attracting and retaining...
Tips for using your calendar better

Tips for using your calendar better

As an accounting firm coach, assisting firms across Australia, I am very reliant on my calendar in Microsoft Outlook. I use my calendar not just for client and other appointments but for appointments with myself for getting tasks done. I also use it for both personal...
The why and how of managing client expectations

The why and how of managing client expectations

When I was a senior accountant in business services, one of my managers shared with me some tips which were some of the wisest words I have heard. He talked to me about managing expectations. It made a big difference to how I interacted with clients and colleagues...