by Rob Pillans | Apr 19, 2021 | Articles
As we approach the end of another financial year in Australia, I trust you are on top of what you wanted to get done before 15 May and 30 June tick over. The Coronavirus crisis has added to the workload and I know many firms have found this challenging. For accounting...
by Rob Pillans | Apr 19, 2021 | Articles
As an accounting firm coach, consultant and mentor I get to see inside many accounting firms. One thing I observe is a high proportion of senior people, partner/director and manager level in particular, doing work that could and should be done by someone at a lower...
by Rob Pillans | Apr 19, 2021 | Articles
If you asked an accountant 30 years ago what they sell many would have said time. Even in 2021 I occasionally hear an accountant talk this way. I think most today would say knowledge is what they sell. The need for this knowledge is a natural consequence of the...