Is goal setting useful?

Is goal setting useful?

As an accounting firm coach, mentor and consultant one of the things I am often doing is helping clients set goals and then supporting them to achieve those goals. I believe in the value of goal setting and believe it is useful. However, I have come across a small...
Five priorities for the start of FY22

Five priorities for the start of FY22

With a new financial year kicked off in Australia it is not too late to plan for the year ahead if you’ve not done so already. Here are my suggestions to make FY22 a great year. (Re)articulate your values Get clear on your mission Get clear on your vision Have a...
Why do accountants struggle with delegation?

Why do accountants struggle with delegation?

As an accounting firm coach, consultant and mentor I get to see inside many accounting firms. One thing I observe is a high proportion of senior people, partner/director and manager level in particular, doing work that could and should be done by someone at a lower...