How an accounting firm might use a CRM tool

How an accounting firm might use a CRM tool

Introduction Accounting firms are not merely number-crunching entities. They are service-oriented businesses, seeking to build and sustain long-term relationships with their clients. As such, managing client relationships is a significant aspect of their business...
Two great ideas for accountants from Appliances Online

Two great ideas for accountants from Appliances Online

As an accounting firm coach, consultant and mentor, I’ve often said I look at things through the eyes of an accounting firm owner or manager and find ideas for running a better accounting firm. Recently my experience in purchasing from Appliances Online has...

Learning from UK and European Hotels

As an accounting firm coach, consultant and mentor, I tend to look at a lot of things in the world through the eyes of an accounting firm owner and what can be learned to apply in firms. As I write this I’m in France and have stayed in quite a few hotels in the UK and...
Put yourself in the shoes of each client

Put yourself in the shoes of each client

I’ve recently had a couple of hotel experiences which have reinforced the importance of being able to put yourself in the shoes of your clients and understand what they are thinking, feeling and doing at each stage of their journey with you. Hotel Experience 1 Well...