by Rob Pillans | Feb 16, 2021 | Articles
Here is a three step process for identifying the right clients and attracting them to your firm. As an accounting firm coach, mentor and consultant I’m writing this in respect of accounting firm management, but the principles can be applied across other businesses. Be...
by Rob Pillans | Feb 16, 2021 | Articles
As an accounting firm coach, consultant and mentor I am regularly asked to assist accounting firm owners to grow their firm. In this article I summarise five ways to do that. Interestingly, what I find is that the emphasis is often on growing revenue, and profit is...
by Rob Pillans | Jan 28, 2021 | Articles
The Australian of the Year awards have been going for 60 years and like many Australians I watched the announcement of the winners on the ABC TV on the 25th of January. If you are curious about the process go to the website to learn more:...
by Rob Pillans | Dec 17, 2020 | Articles
Over many years of working with accountants I have concluded there are many skills that are important for accountants. Putting aside the technical skills, I’ve identified three non-technical skills that I believe are core to the success of most accountants and the...
by Rob Pillans | Nov 18, 2020 | Articles
Accountants, lawyers, engineers, architects and other firms are collectively referred to as professional service or services firms. Note the word “service” here and consider what that means to you. Or more particularly what it means to your clients. I want to share...