CAANZI am pleased to announce I’ve been appointed to the Queensland Regional Council for CAANZ. I am filling a casual vacancy until December 2021 when I will be eligible to be elected for a further term. The role of the Council, amongst other things, is to act as a conduit between members and the CAANZ board and management team.

This is not something I have taken lightly but I feel the time is right to make a contribution. The truth is I have heard some criticism of CAANZ from small and medium firms, some of it questioning the relevance of this professional body. I think the signs are there that the CAANZ leaders are responding to feedback and the ship is turning. I want to contribute to this and in particular be a voice for small and medium firms.

One way you can help is by sharing any feedback or ideas you have with me so I can act as a conduit into the decision makers and try to make the ideas and concerns of small and medium firms more visible. Regardless of what state you reside in I will always be pleased to hear your thoughts on how CAANZ can become more relevant and effective.

As part of my induction I spent a day hearing from a range of senior CAANZ people and can report they are very passionate people working to do their very best for members. Advocacy is an important area and I was particularly impressed by the effort being made to influence State and Federal government thinking on topics that matter to members and the clients of members. It’s a tough gig for sure.