Tips for using your calendar better

Tips for using your calendar better

As an accounting firm coach, assisting firms across Australia, I am very reliant on my calendar in Microsoft Outlook. I use my calendar not just for client and other appointments but for appointments with myself for getting tasks done. I also use it for both personal...

Reflections on five weeks in Europe

I mentioned in my introduction that Kate and I spent five weeks in Europe in June and July. Here are a few reflections which I hope you will enjoy. Poland We’d not been to Poland before and had not really heard a lot about it. Poland doesn’t get much exposure in the...

Lessons for accountants from an electrician experience

I’ve had an experience with an electrician that got me thinking about some lessons for accountants. First I rang the office number. The call was picked up by an electrician who my guess was on a job somewhere. He said there were no spots left in that week but he would...