by Rob Pillans | May 30, 2019 | Accounting Firm Management, Articles, Workflow
One of the training sessions I run for accountants is Effective Delegation . At a recent session we talked about the process for briefing an accountant on a typical compliance job. In some firms I see a well structured, standardised process that requires the director...
by Rob Pillans | May 29, 2017 | Articles, Client Management, Leadership, Practice Management, Workflow
I have more than a passing interest in aviation. I find it a fascinating industry and as young adult in Canberra I would sit on top of a hill overlooking the airport with a small radio and listen to the conversations between air traffic controllers and pilots....
by Rob Pillans | Apr 18, 2017 | Accounting Firm Management, Client Management, Workflow
For Australian accountants 15 May is a significant date. As Tax Agents you are subject to the ATO’s lodgment program framework which at its core requires you to lodge 85% or more of your clients’ current year returns on time. 15 May is effectively the last date for...