by Rob Pillans | Feb 26, 2019 | Accounting Firm Management, Articles, Technology
All the accounting firms I work with or visit have an office of some sort. Increasingly they have workers who are not based in that office. They work either part or full time away from the office. For example a Sydney firm has a senior accountant on the Gold Coast and...
by Rob Pillans | Aug 30, 2018 | Accounting Firm Management, Articles, Business Strategy, Client Management
As an accounting firm coach I travel quite a bit to work face to face with accounting firm owners. As a result, I spend a bit of time in hotels. I like to try different ones and am constantly surprised by what they don’t get right. It also struck me that there are a...
by Rob Pillans | Aug 30, 2018 | Accounting Firm Management, Articles, Business Strategy
I mentioned in my introduction that Kate and I spent five weeks in Europe in June and July. For us travel is important. We absolutely love visiting new places and learning more about the world. We haven’t counted recently but I think together or separately we have...
by Rob Pillans | Apr 12, 2018 | Accounting Firm Management, Articles, Compliance, EOFY, Planning
For Australian accountants 15 May is a significant date. As Tax Agents you are subject to the ATO’s lodgment program framework which at its core requires you to lodge 85% or more of your clients’ current year returns on time. 15 May 2018 is effectively the last date...
by Rob Pillans | Dec 12, 2017 | Accounting Firm Management, Articles, Planning
As an accounting firm coach assisting firms across Australia I am very reliant on my calendar in Microsoft Outlook. I use my calendar not just for client and other appointments but for appointments with myself for getting tasks done. I also use it for both personal...
by Rob Pillans | Apr 27, 2017 | Accounting Firm Management, Articles, Leadership
I recently attended an Australian Institute of Company Directors lunch where Ann Sherry AO, the Executive Chairman of Carnival Australia was the speaker. She is the person who over the last 10 years has literally turned this ship around, with an increase in revenue of...